Feng shui is an ancient Chinese science which has been around for more than thousands of years. Literally translated, feng shui means wind and water. Alignment and balance form the core of feng shui. For the first two or three thousand years of feng shui existence, its main use was to site a grave for the dead, to choose an auspicious day for burial, the best orientation and a good location. In ancient days people lived so closely with nature, that they were inclined to building their houses in places where there was harmony and balance and they intuitively knew where not to live. In our modern world, we have become so cocooned from nature that our intuition is not so strong and we no longer understand how universe functions.

To understand the concept of fengshui we need to understand more about energy or CHI. It is described as the cosmic breath or as the vital principle. It is the essence of the principle of heaven and earth, time and space. It is the force of change and transformation. Everything in this world has an energy field which is unique to itself and linked to everything else. Everything has a flow, like a river towards the sea. When we are sailing in the direction of flow, we make headway but when we go against the current our lives become difficult. If we are harmoniously positioned in the universe, whether at home or at work, we have balance and harmony. when we flow with nature our health, prosperity and mental state benefit. When we are out of harmony with nature or the rhytm of universe, our life will be a constant struggle.

Chi has three phases : sheng chi, si chi and sha chi.

SHENG CHI : A place which is fresh and bright, animals are healthy, people are prosperous and healthy. You are said to have sheng chi when you are prosperous and happy. A moon approaching full is sheng chi.

SI CHI : A place which is unkept dilapidated and poor vegetation with sick animals and impoverished people. It is when you are depressed. The moon approaching new is si chi.

SHA CHI : A place feels very dangerous and strange. It comes from negative conditions from above and below. Below the ground it is geopathic stress and above the ground it is secret arrows.

Geopathic stress causes severe illness and energy drain. You become fatigued and nervous for no reason. Secret arrows attack health cause financial and professional and relationship issues. .

Chi is the life giving energy. The places where it gathers produce positive energy and where it disperses it allows negative energy. Chi can be chanelled to condense at a particular place, enhancing site’s fortune but if there is no space for movement it can be trapped.

In an open area there is nothing to hold it and so it evaporates the flow of chi can be blocked by a piece of furniture or quickly escape through an open door. In most cases the flow of chi can be regulated.

All chinese esoteric teachings use the principles of yin and yang.

Both yin and yang are inter dependant on each other. Nothing is totally yin or yang. When yin reaches totality, yang begins to grow. Yin contains the seed of yang and vice-versa. They constantly keep transforming into each other. According to theyin yang philosophy the universe and everything in it is both constant and cyclical.

  • YIN
  • Dark
  • Earth
  • Night
  • Cold
  • Feminine
  • Negative
  • YANG
  • Light
  • Heaven
  • Day
  • Hot
  • Masculine
  • Positive

The interaction constantly between yin and yangcreates the pattern of movement and change in the universe. This is seen in the eight triagrams. Each triagram is made up of 3 lines which can be broken(a yin line) or unbroken(a yang line). One has yin lines and the other has yang lines. The remainder is a mixture of yin and yang. There are totally 8 triagrams and each one relates to a particular element and direction.

In addition to the three phases of chi, it has five elements. These exist to a great or lesser extent in all substances and their interaction constitutes the continuous growth decay within the universe.

The five elements are wood, water, earth fire and metal. The exist in a continual cycle of creation and destruction for example, when water is powerful it overwhelms and extinguishes fire but if fire is strong it destroys objects and reduces them to earth.

Over centuries elements have been associated with numerous features such as planets, taste, parts of body animals etc.